Sunday, July 22, 2007

Prayer and Play in the Parks

Our recent week on the road featured God’s beauty as revealed in our national parks. First, we spent several nights in a little cabin on the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park. It was a great launching pad for some beautiful hikes and animal watching. What a thrill to see big horn sheep, elk, marmots and deer. Fritz was able to climb Long’s Peak—and actually saw Epiphany member John Riedl at the top! On another hike, we met friends of Jan and Don Panning. The communion of saints truly is a world-wide body. The Rockies was a fertile location for prayer, reading, and enjoying a special edge of God’s creativity. Plus, the kids found a few fun things to do in town like huge trampolines and slides. Morgan even worked hard, completing the activities to become a Junior Park Ranger!
On our way westward, we were able to spend just one full day exploring the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone. But we were treated to quick encounters with bison, elk, a momma moose, a coyote, the eruption of Old Faithful, and the sulphuric painted pots.

This is the first time we’ve had internet access for quite awhile, so sorry for the brief update. Now, it’s a long day of driving from Bozeman, Montana to Chelan, Washington. Tomorrow, we take the boat to the Lutheran Camp of Holden Village, a place remote from internet, phones, etc, high in the Cascade mountain range. We look forward to what God has in store for us in that faith community. More to come . . .


Anonymous said...

We're still reading the blog!!

Sounds like a great time!!
Curious as to which friends
of my parents that you might
have seen.

That's funny..!!

Anonymous said...


who could these friends
of ours be...hmmmm

saw my dad; he wanted me
to get more details.
