Thursday, August 2, 2007

Spirited in Seattle

For Seattle pix, click here:
After a wonderful family retreat in Holden Village, our family spent a few days together in Seattle before LuAnne, Luke and Morgan flew home. We enjoyed the world famous Pike’s Place Fish Market, where the staff throw fish around, along with clam chowder at Ivar’s and a tour of the Seattle Aquarium, with its octopus and sea otters. (We learned a sea otter can stay warm because it has over one million hairs per square inch on its body; Fritz is disappointed he can’t match those follicle statistics. Before visiting with Mars Hill Church, Fritz took his camera to Mt Rainier National Park to take a few shots of the mountain in front of Reflection Lake. Witnessing a bald eagle take a fish out of the lake, just after snapping a shot, was a highlight of the visit. From the hundreds of suction cups on an octopus’ tentacles to wildflowers in front of the mountains—again, God’s beauty, ingenuity and glory, shine forth.

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